Reasons To Ride in 2024
As we roll into 2024 we hope that like us, you're looking forward to a year full of great rides, great gear and great memories. As we put the first pedal strokes into the new year, we thought we'd find out what some of our people here at Contender are looking forward to on the bike this year and what's propelling us into 2024. What are your Reasons To Ride this year?
Mat H - "Riding is my favorite way to hang out with cool people, and see and experience the world around me. It's the best way to be outside, no matter the year."
Ed K - "2024 will be all about overcoming some setbacks and realigning, both physically and mentally. Being on the bike, both indoors or out, is where I seem to do that the best."
Drew B - "Riding equals the chance to explore, escape the mundane and stay mentally healthy. No better way to do it!"
Graham G - "I'll be training for some specific events, primarily The Crusher In The Tushar. The Crusher is painful, difficult and incredibly rewarding. Training for and doing an event like that helps me remember that most 'hard' days aren't really that hard. Riding is a great way to set big goals, prepare yourself for them, and accomplish them."

Alison L - "Between family and work, my time on the bike gives me just enough 'me' time, exercise and therapy to help balance out the day. So as many days as I can get out in 2024 whether to pick up lunch or to hit the power hour on Shoreline provides that much more balance to the day and to my life."
Jim A - "Pretty simple for me, I'll be riding to stay healthy and to let my Siberian Husky and Australian Shepherd chase me around the trails."
Colby M - "Climate change! Going anywhere I can on my bike is my way to do my part. It's also my way to meditate, as well as push myself physically."
Andrew G - "One of my reasons to ride in 2024 is to train for the Cyclo Cross season towards the end of the year. I'd like to move up a class this year and also train for Nationals. Mountain Biking is my other main reason to ride this year, as I simply love being in the mountains!"
Ivan R - "Mad descents!"

Elijah T - "My biggest reason to ride in 2024 is that the better shape my body is in, the better my state of mind. Riding keeps me fit both physically and mentally."
Ryan L - "For me, cycling in 2024 is all about catching a few fish with one hook. I get to exercise, to clear my head, to socialize and to challenge myself all while outside."
Peter B - "My main reason to get out and ride in 2024 is to get out of the house! After a long winter, it's a great feeling to get back outside and ride."
Ed D - "Getting ready to ride my first century in 30 years!"
Matt D - "I've spent so much money on bikes this year, I *have* to get out and ride!"
There are lots of Reasons To Ride in 2024, and they're all great! Get outside, be with people, get some alone time, get fit, get faster, the list goes on and on. Bikes bring us joy all year long and we're excited to start the year off riding.
What are your Reasons To Ride this year? Do you have a favorite ride or event you're looking forward to? We'd love to hear from you, and we'd love to help you accomplish your goals, try new gear, discover new places and make 2024 your best year on the bike yet. Let us know what's getting you out there this year, and how we can help! Visit us in the shop, give us a call or find us online anytime. Cheers to a great year on the bike!